Pronounced: HEL-guess-un
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5080
ChemE Research Areas:
2020 Neutron Scattering Society of America Science Prize
2018 Van Ness Award Lectures at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
2018 Allan P. Colburn Memorial Lectureship, U of Delaware
2016 Unilever Award, American Chemical Society
2016 Hellman Foundation Faculty Fellowship
2015 Early Career Award, Department of Energy
2015 Excellence in Teaching Award, Northrop Grumman
2014 Early Career Award, National Science Foundation
2012 Distinguished Young Rheologist Award, TA Instruments
2011 Victor K. LaMer Award, American Chemical Society
2009 National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship
2009 McCullough Award, Delaware Center for Composite Materials
2009 Graduate Teaching Fellowship, University of Delaware
2008 Neutron Scattering Society of America Student Prize
2008 First Prize, SoftMatt Research Conference
2008 Progress Award, Delaware Center for Composite Materials
2007 University Graduate Fellows Award, University of Delaware
2007 Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research, ACS POLY
2004 Robert L. Pigford Fellowship, University of Delaware
2004 McCabe Society, Carnegie Mellon University
2003 Tau Beta Pi, Pennsylvania Gamma Chapter
Research Description:
Our research is devoted to the design and processing of complex fluids, especially those involving colloidal species (nanoparticles, emulsions, proteins, etc.) in self-assembling & structured liquids. Specifically, we seek to understand how well-specified mesostructure can be obtained in these fluids, and how it can be used to control the mechanical and transport properties of soft materials. Our approach involves combining experimental and theoretical tools (scattering, microscopy, rheology, statistical & colloidal thermodynamics) for multi-scale characterization and description of fluid microstructure and dynamics, ultimately to inform the molecular-level design of mesoscale structure. We have particular expertise in developing methods for in situ monitoring of fluid microstructure during processing. Current projects include the design of functional and stimuli-responsive gels and particulates for applications in biotechnology, advanced materials and energy conversion.
BS: Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University (2004)
PhD: Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware (2009)