11th Pearson Memorial Lecture

Monday, May 22, 2017

Our 2017 Pearson Lectures, the eleventh in a series of distinguished lectureships given in memory of Professor Dale Pearson, were presented May 16th and 18th by Professor Howard Stone from Princeton. 

Professor Stone's first lecture, meant to be broader in scope and appeal to a diverse audience, was titled: "Surprising responses in common fluid flows: (i) Surface-attached bacteria, biofilms and flow and (ii) Trapping of bubbles in stagnation point flows." His second lecture, which was more focused and technical, was titled: "Some fluid mechanics vignettes: flow-driven bending, hydrodynamics of hot particles, and mixing-driven layering of colloidal solutions." More information about the Pearson Lectures, as well as Professor Stone can be found here.

The Pearson Memorial Lectures are made possible by the Dale Pearson Memorial Fund, established at UCSB by his family, friends, and colleagues.