The 2017 PMSE Young Investigator’s Symposium has been chosen as a recipient of this year’s PMSE Division 2016 Innovative Project Grant (IPG).
This symposium will be held at the 253rd ACS National Meeting and Exposition in April 2017. The objective of the Symposium is to create a signature event highlighting Young Investigators who have excelled in Materials Research within the first few years of their careers.
The 2017 Symposium is co-organized by Luis Campos (Columbia University) and Jeannette Garcia (IBM Research—Almaden) and will feature 24 international young scientists from academia, industry, and National Labs.
The 2017 class of Young Investigators represent a group of talented teachers, researchers, mentors, and future role models and, for the first time in the history of the Symposium, each section will also feature a Special Lecture by an established pioneer in Materials.