UC Santa Barbara Department of Chemical Engineering Professor Phillip Christopher was selected as a recipient of the prestigious Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (ECASE-Army), by the Army Research Office, providing a total of $1 million worth of research funding over the course of the five year grant.
Prof. Christopher was nominated for the ECASE honor in 2015, while at UC Riverside, by Army Research Office Electrochemistry Program Officer, Dr. Robert Mantz, Division Chief of the Chemical Sciences Program.
Due to extended PECASE announcement delays, the Army decided to proceed with awarding the 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 selectees utilizing a “bridge” program called ECASE-Army.
The ECASE-Army recipients will be hosted at a mini seminar series, planned for April 10-11, 2019. Honorees will be provided the opportunity to present research, where Prof. Christopher will present his previous and future work on the topic of Controlling Catalysis at Metal Nanoparticle Surfaces by Direct Photoexcitation of Adsorbate-Metal Bonds. Prof. Christopher will continue this research at UC Santa Barbara. ChE
–Melissa Walker is the Communications Coordinator for the Department of Chemical Engineering.