The Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Association held the second annual Winter GSA/AIChE Research Fair in the Engineering II Courtyard on January 28th, a collaboration with the AIChE undergraduate chapter.
The event showcased graduate student research in ChE, and provided a forum for undergraduate chemical engineering students to explore research opportunities within the department.
A sunny winter day welcomed attendees to an afternoon poster session, lunch for poster presenters, and prizes for the best posters evaluated by the undergraduates.
The first place winner of the 2019 Winter Research Fair was St.Elmo Wilken, O'Malley & Petzold group, who won a $50 gift card. And, five students tied for second place, including George Degen, Israelachvili & Shea group, Lesley Chan, Gordon group, Nolan Anderson, Mukherjee group, Pavel Shapturenka, Gordon group, and Clarke Palmer, McFarland group, who each each won a $10 gift card.
Photo: Clarke Palmer, George Degen, Pavel Shapturenka, Lesley Chan, and Nolan Anderson placed second at the Research Fair in a five-way tie. Also pictured are Professional Development Committee members Tuan Nguyen, Tsatsa Battsengel, and Chad Wangsanuwat.
–Melissa Walker is the Communications Coordinator for the Department of Chemical Engineering.