The Chemical Engineering Graduate Program at UC Santa Barbara ranks among the nation’s top universities in U.S. News & World Report’s 2023 Best Graduate Engineering Schools rankings. Out of 130 private and public institutions that offered doctorate degrees in chemical engineering, UCSB ranked ninth overall and sixth among public institutions.
As a whole, UCSB’s College of Engineering graduate program ranked 14th among public universities and 27th overall. The materials graduate program ranked second among public institutions and fifth out of the 114 public and private universities. The mechanical engineering graduate program ranked 17th among public universities and 29th out of 180 total institutions, while electrical engineering ranked 14th among public institutions and 25th out of 186 overall. The computer science graduate program ranked 14th among public universities and 28th overall out of 206 universities.
UCSB ranked fourth among public universities and twelfth out of two hundred universities in the percentage of faculty who are members of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE). Four chemical engineering faculty, Rachel Segalman, department chair, Glenn Fredrickson, Michael Doherty, and James Rawlings are NAE members.
The annual report evaluated 200 engineering schools that granted doctoral degrees. Information used to compile the overall rankings included statistical data and surveys submitted by engineering school deans and recruiters. Specialty rankings, such as chemical engineering and materials, were based solely on peer assessments by department heads in each specialty area. U.S. News conducted peer assessment surveys in fall 2020 and early 2021 for thirteen specialty rankings.