Electro-swing CO2 capture


Wednesday, April 2, 2025 - 9:00am to 10:00am


ENGR II 1519


Dr. Bhooshan Popere - Verdox

Abstract: Anthropogenic CO2 emissions are amongst the leading causes for the steep global meansurface temperature rise over the last 150 years. In addition to switching to non-fossil fuel sources ofenergy, mitigating CO2 emissions from industrial sources and removing the excess atmospheric CO2 areimperative to prevent further temperature rise. To that end, Verdox is making scalable, cost-effectivecarbon capture and removal a reality. Founded in late 2019 by Dr. Brian Baynes, Prof. T. Alan Hatton, andDr. Sahag Voskian, the company is commercializing its electro-swing adsorption (ESA) platformtechnology, originally developed at MIT, to remove carbon dioxide from industrial emissions and the airwith 70% energy savings versus conventional approaches. The talk will cover various technologicalaspects of ESA and comparison to other state-of-the-art CO2 capture technologies.

Bio: Dr. Bhooshan Popere was born in Mumbai, India. He received his bachelor's degree in PolymerScience and Engineering with a minor in Chemical Engineering from the Institute of Chemical Technology,Mumbai. His doctoral work at UMass Amherst in the Department of Chemistry was focused on developingstructure-function relationships for conjugated polymers for organic photovoltaics and thin film transistors.Following this, he moved to sunny California for his postdoctoral work with Prof. Rachel Segalman, wherehe worked on a variety areas including block copolymer self-assembly, nanoconfined semiconductordoping, polymer thermoelectrics, polymer ionic liquids, organic electrochemical transistors, amongstothers. He has 8 years of industry experience including established chemical companies and early stagestartups. At DuPont Electronics & Industrial (formerly Dow Electronic Materials), he invented photoresistpolymers and formulations, hardmasks and antireflective coatings for high-resolution optical lithography.Currently he is serving as the Director of Materials Science and Engineering at Verdox, where he leads ateam of scientists and engineers working towards commercializing Verdox's technology. When notworking, Bhooshan enjoys spending time with family, cooking, reading and playing competitive squash.

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