Professor Emeritus
Research Professor - NAE
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5080
ChemE Research Areas:
2017 Bruce Finlayson Lecturer in Chemical Engineering at the University of Washington
2015 GI Taylor Medal from the Society of Engineering Science
2015 Elected Fellow of the Society of Rheology
2011 Elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences
2011 Midwest Mechanics Speaker (10 universities)
2009 28th Annual Blue-Green Speaker, Depts. of Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan and Michigan State
2009 Elected Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers
2008 W.N. Lacey Lecturer in Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology
2006 Distinguished Scholar Lecturer, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Arizona State Univ.
2006 Pirkey Lectureship in Chemical Engineering, Univ. of Texas
2004 David M. Mason Lecturer, Dept. Chem. Eng., Stanford University
2002 Fluid Dynamics Prize, American Physical Society
2001 NCE Cullimore Memorial Lecturer, NJIT
2001 Highly Cited Researchers, Original Member, 100 Most Highly Cited Researchers in Engineering, ISI Thompson Scientific
2001 Bingham Medal, The Society of Rheology, American Institute of Physics
2000 Distinguished Alumni Award, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, University of Washington
2000 George K. Batchelor Lecturer in Fluid Mechanics, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, U.K.
2000 Rutgers Collaboratus X Lecturer, Dept. of Chem. and Biochemical Eng., Rutgers University
1999 NASA Group Achievement Award for MSL-1 Project Team
1996 Julian C. Smith Lecturer, School of Chemical Engineering Cornell University
1996 Rothschild Visiting Professor, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematics, University of Cambridge, U. K.
1995 Distinguished Lecturer, Dept. of Chemical Engineering University of Toronto
1994 Robert Pigford Lecturer, University of Delaware
1993 William H. Walker Award for Excellence in Contributions to Chemical Engineering Literature, AIChE
1993 Texas Distinguished Faculty Lecturer, University of Texas-Austin
1992 Reilly Memorial Lectureship in Chemical Engineering, University of Notre Dame
1991 Stanley Katz Memorial Lectureship in Chemical Engineering, Dept. of Chem. Eng., City College of the City University of New York
1990 Stanley Corrsin Lectureship in Fluid Mechanics, Dept. of Chem. Eng., The Johns Hopkins University
1987 Elected Member of the National Academy of Engineering
1986-1989 Chevron Distinguished Professor of Chem. Engineering, Caltech
1984 Fellow of the American Physical Society
1978 Allan Colburn Award - National AIChE
1978 Allan Colburn Memorial Lectureship, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware
1978 Technical Achievement Award, AIChE - Southern California Section
1976 John Simon Guggenheim Foundation Fellow
1975 Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation Teacher-Scholar Grant
Member of Phi Beta Kappa, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Sigma Upsilon.
Research Description:
My research is currently focused on the dynamics of complex fluids, such as polymeric liquids, emulsions, foams, polymer blends, and liquid crystalline polymers (LCPs). Much of this is related to the coupling between the influence of flow on the microstructure of these materials, and hence on the macroscopic material properties. Within this broad framework, we are working on: coalescence phenomena; the dynamics of thin liquid films and the control of the stability of such films due to additives such as copolymer surfactants, and nano- or micro-particles; the flow behavior of LCPs, including the formation of disclinations; and the dynamics of entangled polymers. Our tools encompass a spectrum of experimental methods (including several that are unique to our laboratory), as well as theoretical methods based primarily on large-scale computational studies.
BS: Chemical Engineering, University of Washington (1965)
MS: Chemical Engineering, Stanford University (1968)
PhD: Chemical Engineering, Stanford University (1969)