Assistant Professor
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5080
ChemE Research Areas:
2022 American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund Doctoral New Investigator
2022 Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering
2017 Miller Research Fellowship, UC Berkeley
2017 Milton and Francis Clauser Doctoral Prize, Caltech
2015 NSF Fellow, Caltech
2012 Gates Millennium Scholar, Caltech
2012 University Medal Finalist, UC Berkeley
Research Description:
The Takatori lab studies the nonequilibrium statistical mechanics and fluid dynamics of soft materials. We combine experimental, theoretical, and computational methods to analyze emergent properties in complex materials and interfaces, including active colloidal suspensions and living biological systems like bacterial biofilms and mammalian cell membrane interfaces. We aim to advance fundamental understanding of complex fluids and matter at the intersection of materials science, physics, and bioengineering.
BS: Chemical Engineering, UC Berkeley (2012)
PhD: Chemical Engineering, Caltech (2017)