Professor Emeritus
Director, Center for Risk Studies & Safety
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5080
- Fellow, American Nuclear Society, (1988)
- E.O. Lawrence Medal, US DOE (1997)
- Member, National Academy of Engineering (1998)
- Foreign Member, Russian Academy of Science, Ufa Branch (1998)
- Honorary Doctorate, Lappeenrantaa University, Finland (1999)
- Outstanding Achievement Award, University of Minnesota (2004)
Research Description:
Under the major headings of "Risk Assessment and Management in Complex Technological and Environmental Systems" and "Multiphase Transport Phenomena," our interests and work range from basic aspects, such as methodological issues in treating uncertainty in risk assessment, and basic multiphase flow physics, such as interfacial instabilities, to integrative and synthetic efforts towards understanding and optimizing real system behavior, assessing risks, and improving safety. Current key words: interfacial instabilities in high speed flows, aero-breakup, explosive dissemination of liquids, homeland security, defense against chem-bio weapons, burnout physics, nuclear reactor safety.
BS: Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece (1965)
PhD: Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota (1969)