
Feb 26
Few people have heard of the chemical ethylene oxide, but all of us have used products that rely on it for their production, from antifreeze and plastics to textiles and disinfectants. It is what’s known as a platform chemical — one that is the basis for many other chemicals — and it’s worth about $40 billion per year on the global market. But the ethylene oxide... read more »
Feb 20
Chemical engineering faculty at UC Santa Barbara have awarded fifth-year PhD student Anukta Datta the department’s prestigious Schlinger Fellowship for Excellence in Chemical Engineering Research for the 2024-‘25 academic year. Established through a generous gift from Warren and Katharine Schlinger, the award recognizes a fourth- or fifth-year doctoral... read more »
Feb 6
UC Santa Barbara chemical engineering professor M. Scott Shell has been elected a Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), the world’s leading organization for chemical engineering professionals, with nearly sixty thousand members from more than one hundred ten countries. The institute’s highest grade of membership, achieved only... read more »
Dec 12
The UC Santa Barbara Chemical Engineering Department recently honored Professor Michelle O’Malley for her pioneering research and appointment to the Cliff R. Scholle Endowed Chair with an inaugural lecture and investiture. The chair was established through a generous gift from Cliff R. Scholle, as a way to honor early leaders in the department: Professors... read more »
Dec 2
“Research without walls” isn’t just a phrase at UC Santa Barbara; it is the very foundation of the university’s academic endeavors. This is especially true within the College of Engineering, where new discoveries have been made and impactful technologies designed through interdisciplinary research. The college has long embraced a culture of collaboration and is home to... read more »
Dec 1
Phillip Christopher, a professor of chemical engineering at UC Santa Barbara, has received the 2025 Paul H. Emmett Award in Fundamental Catalysis from the North American Catalysis Society (NACS). The prize, first awarded in 1971, recognizes substantial contributions in the field of catalysis with emphasis on discovery and understanding of catalytic... read more »
Sep 27
  The Chemical Engineering Department in the College of Engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara is seeking applications as part of an external search for one tenure-track Assistant Professor position. Details about the position and applying can be found here:   Position details: Job location: Santa... read more »
Sep 26
UC Santa Barbara chemical engineering faculty members have awarded the department’s top honor for a rising third-year PhD student, the prestigious Dow Discovery Fellowship, to Ryan Berry. The department bestows the fellowship each year upon one student who has made outstanding strides in research and presents a compelling plan for an innovative project.... read more »
Aug 28
This week, the National Science Foundation announced the award of a six-year, $22M grant to UCSB under its biofoundries program for the establishment of the BioFoundry for Extreme and Exceptional Fungi, Archaea and Bacteria (ExFAB), a collaboration led by UC Santa Barbara (UCSB), together with UC Riverside (UCR), and Cal Poly Pomona (CPP). The NSF ExFAB BioFoundry... read more »
Aug 1
Every human starts out as a single cell, a fertilized egg, which then divides and develops into various cell types, such as skin cells, liver cells, and blood cells. Although these cell types look and function differently, they contain exactly the same DNA. But, how can the same genetic code be used to build more than two hundred different cell types in a human body?... read more »
Jul 30
UC Santa Barbara chemical engineering professor James B. Rawlings has received the most prestigious award for chemical engineering education in the U.S., the Warren K. Lewis Award for Chemical Engineering Education from the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). The prize, named after one of the founders of the chemical engineering discipline,... read more »