
Feb 11
The Undergraduate Rinker Lab at UC Santa Barbara recently welcomed the return of an alumnus, Jose Navarrete, PhD 2017, as Undergraduate Lab Manager, to continue the goals of the Chemical Engineering department.  ChE’s goals with the lab are to design and construct lab experiments that reinforce fundamental Chemical Engineering principles; expose students to industrially-... read more »
Dec 12
The faculty of the Department of Chemical Engineering have awarded Scott Danielsen the Schlinger Fellowship for Excellence in Chemical Engineering Research for the period 2018-19, as evidenced by publications, submitted manuscripts or other measures of impact.  “Congratulations to Scott on his outstanding application package and performance in our graduate program," said... read more »
Dec 11
The Department of Chemical Engineering is pleased to announce our 2018 issue of Chemical Engineering at UCSB is now available. Featuring faculty awards and honors, profiles of our new faculty, student awards and achievements, alumni updates, and much more! For more information on the newsletter and our archive of past newsletters, visit: read more »
Nov 15
The faculty of the Department of Chemical Engineering has selected and awarded Nicholas Sherck the Dow Discovery Fellowship for the period 2018-21, based on merit, academic standing, and faculty recommendations.  Sherck is honored to receive the Dow Discovery Fellowship recognition and the opportunities provided to further his research.  “I am honored to have been... read more »